„We ourselves feel that what we are doing is

just a drop in the ocean. 

But the ocean would be less because of that missing drop.”

                                                                                    Mother Teresa


Welcome to our website

The project called “DROPS” has two aims.
First it is a project that aims at prolonging and nurturing each country’s traditions and culture by increasing students` cultural awareness while accepting each other’s identity and diversity to build on the European dimension in the long term.
Second it is an acronym of “Dialogue to Renew Old Philosophy of Schools”. We will have a look at our past, discuss and analyse the present situation of each schools and plan and create new methods for the future.
Through these “DROPS” we will initiate the mental and emotional development of our students by widening their knowledge and hence encouraging them to accept diversity and different opinions. It will contribute to show positive emotions towards parents and peers and we intend to involve them in an innovative school that will allow them to express their opinion about teaching, and learning methodologies.     
“DROPS” is a project to make our students aware of values in tradition, to protect our environment, to use foreign languages as a tool of communication, to preserve old inside values in communities and  it is also a project about how to develop the so called old school in the 21st century innovative school.

Final report

Meeting, results
and outcomes
of a successful project

Click on the picture
to learn more.


Newspaper article from Hungary Bicske

28/10/2013 18:45
Official News from our local newspaper about our new project called Drops. 

What an amazing meeting we had

14/10/2013 17:48
We had a breath-taking, unbelievable experience in Turkey with all the meetings, visits,...

Invitation to the Zero-meeting

01/10/2013 07:28
For the Invitatation click here.

Kick-off in Hungary

26/09/2013 17:07
We celebrated the European Day of Languages on 26th September. Have a look at our pictures.

Turkey program

12/09/2013 11:31
Our Zero meeting's program is now available on the  Meetings  page.

Event in Hungary Bicske

30/08/2013 20:23
Have a look at our event planned for the European Day of Languages and celebrate with...

Visitors notice

06/08/2013 18:16
Our first meeting, the so called "Zero meeting" will be in Turkey. For more details click here.
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