Article archive

Over 6000

14/11/2014 09:42
Our main website reached over 6000 unique visitor number. Exactly 6333.

Pre-tasks for the next meeting in Austria

30/10/2014 14:46
Pre-tasks are published on our new webiste. Click here and get more information.

News in a blog in Hungary

30/10/2014 10:50
Hungary Bicske published an article about our meeting in Spain. Read more here:

Changes on our website

30/10/2014 10:49
Dear Visitors and Friends,  we made many changes on our website lately. Come and visit it, add your comment if you wish and enjoy pictures and presentations which were taken and created during our visit in Spain.  

Meeting in Spain

30/10/2014 10:48 Have a look at the article which was published in the local newspaper in León during our meeting. Click on the link.

Statistics of our websites

10/10/2014 17:57
Dear Friends let me inform you that our websites are doing well.  As you know we started our main website in August 2013. Now we have 5710 unique visitors and 17569 visits. GREAT!! The othere websites are also pretty good: Drops of tradition: 4486 unique visitors and 11069 visits. Drops of...

We meet in Spain soon

16/09/2014 18:54
We are all working hard to create herbarium with the plants and flowers we collected.  We look forward meeting again in León (Spain) and have some beautiful days together. Have a look at our participants and the planned program. Click here.

Result of another survey: Drops of Love

09/09/2014 17:40
After the meeting in Hungary all the participants got an e-mail to answer some questions about the meeting and the meeting's program. 93% of you were interested in the result, so here you are. Click here!

Preparation in Hungary Bicske

08/09/2014 17:53
Our students have already started the preparation for our next meeting in Spain. Have a look at the work done so far. Click here!

Drops of Nature

07/09/2014 09:27
New school year started and we also started the preparation for our meeting in Spain. Have a look at our website:
Items: 11 - 20 of 46
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